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Shifting Security Right: How Cloud-Based SecOps Can Speed Processes While Maintaining Integrity


When it comes to offloading security controls to the cloud, it may seem counterintuitive to the notion of “securing” things. But, when we consider the efficiency to be gained by shifting right with some security controls, it makes sense to send more granular, ground-up responsibilities to a trusted managed services cloud partner. This could help to increase development-and-deployment velocity, without compromising the integrity of your bespoke process.

Building a true DevSecOps ecosystem is probably a common goal for most teams. However, uncommonality most often enters the picture in the forms of both technical and organizational roadblocks. Let’s take a look at some key insights from a 2020 SANS Institute survey on current industry efforts to more closely integrate DevOps and SecOps—and how you can plot your best path forward.

The security landscape

In more traditional environments, security teams often feel they’ve been left behind by the pace of DevOps. Vulnerabilities are introduced faster than SecOps can likely find them. The shift is with teams that are building continuous delivery frameworks, with compliance checks at every stage of the game. It becomes a matter of defending the environment as it’s being built.

Currently, about 74% of organizations are deploying changes more than once per month, according to SANS. Often, these are weekly or daily instances. So, velocity is increasing, primarily out of a need to get customers what they need, faster. Traditional change approvals and security controls are becoming more guardrail-style checks. The challenge, however, lies in optimizing the process and keeping it as secure as possible.

Increasing cloud adoption

From a security perspective, transitioning to a cloud provider’s responsibility model can better match the pace of DevOps and increase delivery speed. When both of these velocities are increasing, albeit responsibly, that’s better for business.

  • Cloud-hosted VM platforms allow teams to spin up processes more quickly compared to a traditional setup.
  • Adoption is accelerating for cloud-hosted container services and serverless platforms because providers are doing more provisioning, patching, and upgrading for many existing execution environments.
  • More organizations are running on cloud-hosted VMs versus container services and serverless platforms, but that could change because the latter two options allow you to further reduce your responsibility model.

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