Cloud Migration
Cloud migration is the process of relocating an organization’s data, applications, and workloads to a cloud infrastructure.
Source: IBM
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6 Things to Watch out for when Starting Your Cloud Journey
Enterprises plan their cloud transformation carefully and thoroughly. And that’s exactly what they need to
Revisiting the 6Rs of Cloud Migration
In 2011, Gartner outlined 5 Rs – five strategies – for migrating applications to the cloud.
The Unexpected Costs of Cloud Migration
Cloud migration can offer your organization new levels of agility and efficiency. However, without careful
Intelligent Cloud Governance: The Foundation for Successful Cloud Adoption
A cloud governance framework is critical to the success of cloud adoption, enabling businesses to extract the full
Cloud Migration Process
What can you expect as you begin your cloud migration? We outline the general process and timeframe most
Prepare to Adopt the Cloud: A 10-Step Cloud Migration Checklist
Having been involved in cloud computing for more than a decade, I’ve heard from many
Six questions to ask when migrating to the cloud
Key takeaways Increasingly, businesses are turning to the cloud to save costs and drive efficiencies.
7 Tips for Effectively Migrating to the Cloud
Moving to the cloud without the right strategy results in higher costs, security flaws, and