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Don’t Let These Top Cloud Myths Hamper Your Business Decision-Making

top cloud myths

researchHQ’s Key Takeaways:

  • One of the top cloud myths is the idea that cost reductions are the primary benefit of the cloud, increased business agility and flexibility are equally significant benefits.
  • Organisations should be selective as to what technical infrastructure they relocate to the cloud, not all legacy components will be well-suited.
  • There is no single right answer when it comes to choosing between single or multi-cloud, organisations should build their cloud strategy around their business goals, developing it over time as new needs arise.
  • A proactive cloud strategy that evolves post-migrations helps organisations meet problems as they arise rather than abandoning their entire cloud adoption effort and returning in-house.
  • Rather than assuming that their data is safe when hosted with cloud-based service providers, companies must remain proactive and cyber vigilant.


The cloud remains a dominant technology innovation well into its second decade of existence. However, after all this time, certain cloud computing myths still creep into the minds of CIOs and other denizens of the corner office. For example, some business decision-makers feel the cloud is simply a magic potion that leads to greater success without planning and hard work.

With an eye on truly understanding its myriad benefits, let’s take a look at some of the top cloud myths still permeating the IT world in 2020. Use these insights to help make the right decisions on cloud adoption for your organization. In the end, the cloud is simply a powerful tool that needs to be leveraged wisely.

The cloud is only about cost savings

Migrating a technical infrastructure and in-house data center to cloud-based services provides significant cost savings to a business. Unfortunately, some executives feel saving money is the only real advantage of cloud computing. This concept remains one of the top cloud myths in the technology industry.

Focusing only on the cost savings causes companies to miss many other advantages of migrating to the cloud. One of these includes improved business agility and flexibility. It’s a benefit that especially matters in the wake of the current COVID-19 pandemic with many organizations now leveraging a work-from-home model for their employees. Using SaaS and IaaS services helps companies still thrive with a dispersed workforce.

Migrate all technical resources to the cloud!

When a company gains significant benefits from migrating parts of its technical infrastructure to the cloud, some CEOs want to move everything. While the cloud is obviously great for certain use cases, it’s not always suitable for all. For example, some older legacy applications simply won’t function as a cloud-based service. Additionally, security reasons may require a company maintaining its own on-premises data center.

Using one cloud vendor is the right approach

While many cloud service providers exist in the industry, a few big names dominate the market. Many companies hoping for a simple cloud migration process decide to go with a one vendor approach. However, cloud computing isn’t a monolithic entity, so using a one vendor strategy isn’t right for any organization that wants to be nimble in a competitive business world.

Remember, as the types of cloud services proliferate, it’s hard to expect one provider to offer everything that meets a business’s needs. In the end, choosing vendors that specialize in certain services is a wise strategy.

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